Shinee: Beautiful (2)

Another Shinee post, this on on the 130223 performance of Beautiful on Music Core.
You will notice a lot of repeated brands from our previous post.

Warning: LQ images ahead.

Just like yesterday we will start off with Key. His cap is from Rockwell and is the 5 Panel Sad Bird. It is purchasable here for 30 Pounds. His jacket is the Mishka Retro Destroy Varsity Jacket, available here for 259$.

More Mishka! So here is the Mishka Throwback Keep Watch Raglan, available here for 36,000 Won. The beanie is also from Mishka, the Vision Quest Bobble Beanie. This one can be bought here for 27.5 Pounds.

This is the Mishka New Era Lamour Keep Watch cap. Currently, unavailable online from what I can find. I found the image at but they don't sell it.

Last one, Taemin. He has on the Mishka and Rockwell combo. The jacket is the Mishka 

Keep Watch Quilted Varsity Washed Denim, available for 240Euros here.  The cap is the Rockwell 5 Panel Scrambled Logo Snapback, available for 23 Euros here.

Many of the items posted were tips from Alika.

Credits: as tagged and mentioned

Maria :D

Click Read more for the performance.

1 comment :

  1. I'm LOVING Mishka right now. Those varsity jackets are THE COOLEST things. The eyeball thing freaked me out at first but the more you look at it the more it grows on you. Like animal prints. I used to DESPISE animal prints and now I'm desperately looking for cheetah print shoes and a tiger/lion tee.
    By the way, I'm kinda curious about the shirt that Key's wearing and the pants that Taemin's wearing? If you can find them, that'd be AMAZING <3


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