Get the Look: Jonghyun's Black Look for Girls

jonghyun black look

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Hi everyone! I know I haven't posted in a while :(

HOWEVER! I'm back with Jonghyun's black look for girls, and unlike last time where the products that I suggested were not all that affordable, this time, everything is pretty affordable!!!

Soooo... I shall begin!

Hair Color: Jonghyun appears do have a darker hair color with lighter tips, so he needs two hairdyes. Garnier Herbashine Haircolors in Light Natural Brown and Medium Ash Brown. Available for 5.99 at Walgreens.
Vest: Obviously, this one does not have a cut out back, for practicality... But if you really want, I'm sure you could take a pair of scissors to it. You can get it here, at Forever 21 for 30 bucks.
Pants: Really, any black (or dark gray) pants would do for this, but I happened to think this pair is pretty cute. You can get these at forever21 for $14.
Shoes: Of course, shoes from forever21 for $29.80.
Bracelet: Finally! Something that isn't Forever21!!! This bracelet is available from Buckle for $22.

WAHOO!!! Making progress! KEY IS NEXT!!!! :D


Credits: Polyvore, Forever21, Buckle, Garnier Herbashine, SFI (for the image)


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