...on to part 2 (one find, a couple of look alikes)

The look-alikes post! (and one real find)
All based on f(x)'s fashion!

The pants that Victoria and Amber are wearing in this scene are kind of similar to ones I have found out of the blue one day...

I found several blue-sequin-leggings (similar to what Victoria is wearing), all slightly different and all at different prices. Alright, I admit they actually aren't too similar to those Victoria is wearing.. but these where all I could find.

The first one is from TopShop
Buy it here for $60.

Then one from Malene Birger

You can buy this Blue Jolie Sequin Skinny Trouser here for a pricey (but reduced)at $224
Or buy for less here at a price of $96!

Then Amber's jeans in the screen shot. They look darker in the MV than ones I found. But they look similar. (to me..)(EDIT: okay, maybe this shouldn't be here.. I'm so sorry guys for putting up these look-alike-but-not-really posts :(

Tight Jean in Ice Wash sold here for $35.

Then another Amber pants look alike. Still from their MV Chu~

Same thing with Victoria's. They are slightly different, but these were the best ones I could find as of now. I can't quite find the brand name of the ones I found, but apparently (according to Desireclothing.co.uk) Victoria Beckham wears them.
Buy them here for $33. (or 20 euro)

Finally, I found pants Amber was wearing at the Digital Music Charts on 10/18 on SBS Inkigayo!!

Aww they sure are cute here! (except for my extremely bad job on getting a terrible screen shot of Amber.. sorry Amber!)

Amber is wearing patched jeans from Cheap Monday. Kpop stars sure do like Cheap Monday!

Buy it here for $55.

These finds (and look alikes) were ones I kind of randomly and unintentionally found. From now on I will devout my time in finding requests!
I'm sorry if it takes a while to find the requests, for finding things aren't quite easy. But I will post ASAP if I find something for you guys! And don't hesitate to request, either ^^

EDIT: and don't forget to comment on what you guys would like to be added/changed/improved on this blog! Drop off comments here or in the chat box! ^^ Thanks!

credits: K-World Style, TopShop, Malene Birger, Cheap Monday, Desireclothing.co.uk

Picture sources:
f(x)'s MV Chu~
SBS Inkigayo


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