More stuff...
Mind as well post other finds ^^
These are non-requested finds, so I'm sorry to those who requested and are waiting for them to be posted. Some of them are quite hard to find, especially when the brand is unknown. Others are hard even when the brand name is known :(. BUT we have not given up so don't lose hope! We promise to give those who requested some notice on the fashion articles!
But for now, some other find ~~
First is a cropped leggings one of the members of 4 minute wore. I don't know names and faces, so I cannot say who wore the leggings, but if you look at the picture it's pretty obvious to see which member is wearing them.
The member on the far left is wearing some colorful leggings, lego leggings if I'm not wrong.
The brand is Jean-Charles De Castelbajac and the lego print (there's wayy more than just those cropped leggings) is from their Spring/Summer collection 09 "JC in the sky with Diamonds." (to see the whole collection, go to their homepage and go to menu)(great naming by the way ^^)
Unfortunately, it is currently out of stock. But if you would like to see the price and such, visit here.
And with the next fashion article!
This is a shirt worn both by DooJoon and Yoseob from BEAST!
(sorry for the low quality pictures... they're printscreened from my iTunes...)
Doojoon wore it at the Digital Music Chart on 10/25 at SBS Inkigayo (popular song)
Yoseob wore it at the performance on 11/21 at MBC Show! Music core
Some BEAST love going on there? ^^
The shirt is from Cheap Monday. I actually found the white shirt too as I was writing this post. But the gray one is cheaper. But you choose which one you want ^^.
Buy it here for $24
Buy it here for approx. $44.
Finally, for some shoes!
This I'm not 100% certain that the shoes Minho from SHINee is wearing are Converse, but they look pretty similar to me.
It's from Minho's shoot (he was the cover model!) in Oh Boy! Magazine (the latest edition, the one released in late november)
And the shoes.
You can buy them here for $40.
Part 2 will be posts on "look-a-likes"! (since I can't trully trust my eyes at times :P)
Credits: K-world Style, Rainbow Veins, JC De Castelbajac, Cheap Monday, Converse
Picture Sources:
MBS Show! Music core
SBS Inkigayo