Request: Soymilk (with the help from Nat!)

Hey everyone!
Well, as you all know Maria's off to China now. Best wishes to her and her family!

Anyway I was searching for the sweatshirt Taemin was wearing at the StarKing aired on 11/28 which was requested by Soymilk, and utterly failed.

UNTIL I read this comment by Nat:

Quote. Nat: @Soymilk, If I'm not wrong, I saw something similar from Lacoste. End of quote.

Nat, you are AMAZING! THank you very much! For, in fact, the sweater was from Lacoste. (So that obscure object on Taemin's left chest was an alligator!!! Took me long enough....)

HEre's Taemin at the Starking recording on 11/23. Credits go to Weareshining.

And the sweatshirt from Lacoste.

It was for $155 but it's on sale for $92.99.
You can buy it here.

Again, thank you very much Nat for the tip! It's really appreciated!!!!!

Credits: K-world Style, Nat, Lacoste

Sources of pictures:


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