Another find! Requested by Marine
I just seem to find lots of fashion things today! ^^ I'm so happy!
(But, it's eating up my time to do homework and such... but who cares :P)
I finally found the nike sneakers Marine was looking for!!!(Right after I told her on the chat box that I hadn't found it yet! sorry!)
They were worn by I believe DooJoon of Beast in this selfcam clip.
Here's yet another (couple) terrible screen shot.
And the shoes
These are Nike RT1 High - Black/Azure - Dark Gray shoes. The Nike RT1 stands for Revolution Trainer 1 and are actually inspired by the Nike Air Trainer 1. These ones have black laces, and the ones Doojoon are wearing have white laces. It's pretty easy to change that though right? ^^
I couldn't find them on the official Nike stores nor other "official" stores.
So here's a link to buy them from different places.
This was the cheapest at $69.99. (These have white laces)
Sorry for the long wait Marine! But here it is ^^ (finally..)
And for those waiting for their requests: I am looking for them, so no worries there! It's just the matter of time.. and luck...
Credits: K-World Style, Nike
Sources of Pictures:
BEAST's self cam video.