Peachtree shirt - a find by Maria
Hey it's Nikki posting for Maria ^^
She should be on her way to China now... (she had a short stop at Korea!!!)
Anyway, as everyone around her was sleeping, Maria found out the brand for Victoria's shirt worn on 12/5 MBC Music Core during their Chu~ performance (outside!!!)
I went and searched more on it and found out that it was a peachtree shirt by C1rca
Here's Victoria. Again, sorry for the crappy shots.

And the shirt:
The picture came from here. Unfortunately, it's out of stock.
But if you want a different color, then go here. It has the same design, just that the shirt is black and the letterings have different color. You can get it for $23.95
Maria also found brands of what Luna and Krystal were wearing at the 12/5 performance. I'm looking for them right now ^^.
I also recieves some tips from Nat (again!! thank you soooo much!) on Stussy clothings worn by Luna and Amber on the 12/6 SBS Inkigayo performance. Luna is wearing the same shirt from Stussy that she wore in 11/07 Music Core. But we haven't found Amber's jacket yet so we'll keep an eye out for that as well.
Also the 12/6 SBS Inkigayo show must have been a great one for all those b2uties (BEAST fans) for BEAST finally performed "Mystery," along with interesting choices of clothes. I'm on a lookout for GiKwang, SO-1 (sorry forgot his name...), Dongwoon and Jyunghyun (I think that's his name..)'s shirts. I'm also really close in finding one of Taemin's shirts.
As with requests:
unnyb: I am still looking for Hongki's zip up. But thank you for telling me what show/episode it was. I was able to get lots of views of the sweatshirt. It's a little tough for I don't even know the brand of the jacket, and simply putting "blue hoodie red sleeve black armpit" doesn't really work on google lol. It may take long, but I won't give up ^^
vanillacat: I thought this shirt would be easy to find, but unfortunately I haven't found it yet. I will keep looking though ^^. (by the way I really like that shirt too!)
michele: I'm not finding any luck with the necklaces right now... but that doesn't mean that I'll stop looking ^^
justareader: I saw your comment, but the YouTube you linked was taken down... could you possibly find another video so we can search it? Thanks!
berry: I translated the site the picture originally came from, but unfortunately it didn't say anything about the brand of Jihyun's bag :(. I'll try and find other ways to find the bag though ^^
I'm sorry if I missed anyone.. I'm kind of in a rush right now so I basically zipped through the chat box... If I did forget you, could you repost your request on the chat box or send me and e-mail at that would be great ^^
That's it for today ^^ Everyone have a great day ^^
Credits: K-World Style, C1rca
Picture Sources:
091205 MBC Music Core