Usually I don't get into anything new (groups, songs, shows, you name it) unless there's a prior positive reaction so I know I'm not wasting my time. Which explains why I usually post finds a while after something comes out. Or maybe I just don't find out/keep up with things on time.
There has been a lot of commotion over new girl group G-Friend who debuted with their song "Glass Bead". It was very catchy so I decided to take a look at their music video and live performances. Their choreography turned out to be well-done and neatly executed, you can tell they practiced hard for their debut.
Since the following photo is the first one their agency released, I'll post a find on it first.
The shorts that all the G-Friend members are wearing are from American Apparel called Interlock Running Short in cranberry/white. You may buy them here, they're very affordable.
Stay tuned for more finds. I've never said this before on K-world Style because it happens to nearly everyone but I have a ton of homework so I'll post more on this group later.
*ଯ( ॢᵕ꒶̮ᵕ)ॢഒ*♡ Shelley
Do not take without proper credit! Image Credits: Source Music, American Apparel