Get the Look: Nu ABO Victoria!


I said I'd do some Get the Look's by request (just to switch it up).

Soooo... Nu ABO was requested by ngaa

nu abo vicky

Created on Polyvore

Here ya go!

Hair Dyes: Everyone knows that f(x)'s hair was quite elaborate for their Nu ABO promotions... So this is a somewhat toned down version of Victoria's hair.
Brown: The majority of her hair is brown, and a fairly good dupe for that is the Garnier Herbashine Light Natural Brown color, but any brown is fine.
Blond: Vicky has blond highlights in her bangs, so... Garnier Nutrisse Beige Blond Highlight color.
Red: Now, the tips of Vic's hair are dyed red, and this red is not ideal, but I am too tired to go find a better one. This is a red dye, but feel free to go find a dye with a more purple tone.

Shirt: You could opt for the loose fitting gray shirt from canadian forever21 for 16.80 canadian dollars. (I would suggest getting a bigger size).
If you have insane abs, or want to wear a tank underneath, you could go with a cropped top, from wet seal for $19.80.

Leggings: I personally don't like having leggings with a short top, so if you go with the cropped option above, opt out for black jeans. Otherwise, these black textured leggings are $24 at forever21.

Boots: If you're lame like me, and can't walk (let alone dance) in heels, the Booties from Delias are a better option.
OR If you can handle heels, forever21 has these white booties for $26.80.

Bracelets: Nu ABO is ALL about accessories! So this stretchy beaded bracelet for $7.80.
AND/OR this set of bangles for $4.80.
Necklace: A pearl/gold necklace adds a bit of feminine charm to the outfit. This one is $24.80 from forever21.

Ring: So, I don't know if Victoria is wearing a ring, but this ring is SO AWESOME! This tiger ring is only $10 from wet seal!

Whew! That one took FOREVER! Who needs that many haircolors?!

I will be following up this project and continuing the Shinee Hello one as well!

Feel free to comment below with love, hate, suggestions, and flaming!!!!


Credits: polyvore, wet seal, forever21, delias


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