Winter caps?
Even in the Winter time you can wear caps, apparently. But oh well, caps are a fashion-item more than just a piece of clothing - it's a fashion statement :)
Baro and Sandeul from B1A4 loves wearing caps! In general they all seem to love caps, but that might be because of them being models for online shop Hatson, who sell mainly hats/caps :P This cute picture of them was uploaded to Twitter not long ago! I spotted something I recognized.
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Even though this isn't the 100% exact cap, this is as close as it gets! I'm thinking that maybe that cap Sandeul is wearing, is a custom made one he got because he's a model for Hatson. :) Anyways; you can get this hat, which is Baro's design actually, right here on!
I tried to find Baro's cap also, but there are billions of caps on Hatson...So even though I'm 90% sure it's from that site, I couldn't find it. :(
Ninillie ~
Credits:, CNU's Twitter, Jinyoung's Twitter for group pic, WM Ent.
I think I just found Baro's cap: