2min... Abercrombie or c1rca?

This is a request by Sia_musing

I know I'm sort of killing all of you with the Shinee/f(x)...

Oh well, sucks for you! This was requested so I felt obligated to post it today.


2min... Oh yeah

Shinee went to support The Grace's Sunday at TvN Opera Star. Woot woot!

Minho wore the Abercrombie & Fitch Mens Muscle Fit Pullover Hoodie Sweatshirt (there's a girl version too... A girl at my school has it and I freaked out.) Buy hurr.

Now, for the interesting part! I found these cute shoes when I was hunting through c1rca for any f(x) finds.

Taemin wore the Circa Convert Teal/White Mens Shoes. Pretty aren't they? Buy 'em hurr.

Important note: I have been made aware that some other blogs have posted some of the same finds before us (namely all those gerlan finds I posted on f(x)). And what I have to say to the people pointing that out to me? So what? I'm not god, of course I'm going to make some repeats. All of our finds are our own and I'm not going to bother citing every single repeat out there, I only follow a couple blogs anyway.


Credits: c1rca, amazon, abercrombie & Fitch, TvN Opera Star, SME


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