Incase I'm on We Got Married...
...I will never forget to bring my macbook.
Sorry for being away. Physics is really taking a toll on me. I have been so busy that honestly, I haven't even had time to watch Shinee's NEW VID! That's how busy I am but fear not I will always have time for Khuntoria.
On Episode 4 of WGM featuring Khuntoria, things got akward pretty fast. Nichkhun broke a promise while Victoria kept the promise and did a little extra. I hope Nichkhun has a really reasonable excuse for missing something so important!
Anyway, this isn't a big find. But here you go, Nichkhun's Macbook bag seen on many occasions (mostly at airports). This backpack is by Incase from their Nylon Red Collection released around mid 2009. Currently sold out for 99.95$.
Credits: khuntoriaeffect@tumblr, soompi, incase or the images
Maria :D