Haul: Memebox (Memebox #12)

One of my friends (shout out to Lia) got the Memebox #12 from Memebox this summer and volunteered to share what she got in her box. The two following pictures list the products included in the Memebox she received.

Product #1, the Ryo Anti-Hair Loss Treatment is similar to the product I received in my Luckybox #3 which is the Ryoe Jayang Yunmo Anti-hairloss Hair Pack. We both gave ours away and I gave mine to my dad. After my dad used it for about 3 weeks, I saw some hair poking out from the place on his head that was balding! So I guess it does work and encourages hair growth too.

I thought Product #2, the Banila Co. Claypatra Mineral Salt Clay Pack was interesting since the mud is from the Dead Sea. Sounds really special since the Dead Sea is famous for its therapeutic and healing properties. We wondered how a Korean company got permission to extract anything from there but that's another story. 

Products #3 (Plagentra White Mark Cream) and #4 (Plagentra White Mark Lotion, Cream, Massage Gel) specializes in evening out the skin tone for stretch marks.

Product #5, the L.vida Nail Polish came in really cute packaging with a flower attached to the nail polish bottle. The color is vibrant but didn't get a chance to see the formula's thickness or how long it lasts.

Product #6, the Inter-cos Smooth Sensitive Removal Cream worked really well for my friend. She is of Mediterranean heritage (she claims she is hairier than the average East Asian individual), which makes her extremely happy with the results. She highly recommends this product!

Product #7, the Palan Crysence Organic Essence worked well for my friend too. She likes how soft her hair became after using it. She is also glad that it relaxed her hair, making it less frizzy in the humidity where we live.  

Disclaimer: Memebox did not sponsor the package or pay for me to write this post.
  (ॢ˘⌣˘ ॢ⑅) Shelley

Do not take without proper credit!
Image Credits: Me

Also See: 

 3 Concept Eyes Haul (and mini review)
Haul: Memebox (Luckybox #3)


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