Request: Gikwang's T-shirt

It's so great to see our readers interact and help each other out ~ it warms my heart. 
Our awesome reader nhi replied to reader Kristina's request of the T-shirt that B2ST/BEAST's Gikwang wore on 140618 Weekly Idol. Thank you nhi!

It is from Nohant called the LOVE CITY LONDON T SHIRT. Buy it here if you live in South Korea, here if you live in the U.S. or Canada. I find it to be such a creative shirt as some English letters are replaced with Hangul phonetic equivalents. The shirt is affordable too, which is a plus. Thanks again for the wonderful find nhi!

 (๑◕ฺ‿◕ฺ๑) Shelley

Do not take without proper credit!
Image Credits: MBC/Weekly Idol


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