Haul & Beauty Review: Nature Republic (3)

  Aloe Vera 92% Soothing Gel
Since two of the writers tried out this product, we will each write about what we think of it.
Shelley: Nature Republic's best-seller is this Aloe Vera 92% Soothing Gel. In the store, there are so many of these stacked. Of course I had to try it out myself to see if it was worth the hype. It definitely is unique. The texture is smooth and cool, not too thick and not too watery. It's not too sticky either. My skin absorbs it pretty quickly. What I like about this is that it softens, moisturizes (not overwhelmingly though because it contains alcohol), and leaves a smooth, matte feeling on my skin unlike lotions that leave a balmy feel. Also, this is an extremely versatile product! Here are some of the things you can do with the gel:
    - Moisturize your body and nails
    - Soften hair and make it shiny
     - Remedy dark puffy eye circles
     - Make face masks by mixing it with other ingredients (which you'll have to look it up, sorry ;P)
    - Mix it with foundation for a soft, moist look
    Lyn: This really is Nature Republic's most well known product. In Myeongdong, there are certain NR shops dedicate maybe a third of the floor space they have, just for this product.

    The product itself, as Shelley mentioned is quite light in consistency and not oily upon application. It absorbs quickly into your skin and you can apply it as a daily moisturiser and wait less than 5 minutes before getting dressed and heading out.

    The soothing gel works like a charm for sunburns and heat rashes as well. It also works well for if you have cracks at the back of your foot.
     I haven't tried it on my face or hair yet, so I'll be trying that out too.
    With regards to mixing it with your foundation. It really depends on the foundation that you use as well as the climate that you come from. From what I've tried, the consistency doesn't quite match well with water based foundation (I use Innisfree's Mineral Water foundation).
    Perhaps it's due to the humidity of my country as well, but it didn't really work out well for me.
    However, putting a tad amount under your eyes and mixing it with your concealer just before it completely dries does wonders for hiding fine lines.

    All in all, for the price that it's sold at, you really do get your money's worth as it's such a big tub. I went through one tub in about 2-3 months.
      Shelley and Lyn

    Do not take without proper credit!

    Also See: 
    Haul: Nature Republic (1)
    Haul: Nature Republic (2) 
    Haul & Review: The Face Shop (1)
    Haul & Review: The Face Shop (2) 


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