Who Wore it Better? Roundup 17 (4minute edition)
Hi guys
So here we are again with a 'Who wore it Better?' round up - the 4minute edition.
Ok so the 1st battle is between Sohyun and actress Jun Ji Hyun, who plays the role of Cheon Song Yi in the popular drama 'You who Came from the Stars'.
Honestly ,I'm not a big drama fan but I heard this drama was good and I watched it...and I really liked it.
It doesn't have the typical drama plot and it's really funny also.
But enough with the chit chat because we are here for the clothes, right?
Who wore the top from Balmain better?
Sohyun or Jun Ji Hyun?
Who wore it better?
See results
In the second battle we have again Jun Ji Hyun against another member of 4minute, Gayoon.
The jacket that they both wore is also from Balmain but, who wore it better?
Gayoon or Jun Ji Hyun
Who wore it better?
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It's interesting that in first 3 battles Sohyun, Gayoon and Jihyun's outfits are from the same event, Seoul Music Awards.
In the third battle we have Jihyun against Krsytal.
They both wore this lovely dress from Low Classic.
Who wore it better?
Jihyun or Krystal
Who wore it better?
See results
For the last battle we have Hyuna against Hyorin. They both wore this gorgeous top from the korean designer, Kwak Hyun Joo
Who wore it better?
Hyuna or Hyorin
Who wore it better?
See results
Image Credits: SBS,StarN,Osen
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