Girl's Day Every Week

About a month ago, Girl's Day went to MBC's Weekly Idol. That show famous for random dance play and grilled meat. Girl's Day also did a sexy dance battle, can you guess who wins?
About their fashion, the typical Korean branded clothes that girl groups wear to these shows. There is an interesting on this time, on Hyeri, she proclaimed she is 'almond candy'. Isn't that wonderful people with nut allergies will can't go near her :(.

Girl's Day's leader, Sojin wears a top from ZOOC that imprints the words 'About a Girl'. It is available here for a fairly reasonable price.

Next, on Minah is a sort of familiar top by Dolly&Molly. SISTAR's Soyu has worn the pink version here. You can try buying it here.

Img cr: mbc, dolly&molly, elotte

Maria :D and Eliza 


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