More SNSD Airport Fashion

We have some more SNSD airport fashion for you all.

130719 YoonA:

Her skirt is from Steve J and Yoni P. Buy it here.

Her Ipad Case/ Clutch is by Valentino

130704 Jessica:

Her bag is from Zagliani. Either this one or this one
Her shoes are from Chanel's 2012 sneaker line. No buy link.

Her shirt is from Zara, and it's now on sale for $15! Get it here.


Im cr. tumblr, as linked


  1. That was my face as well. I don't really understand why someone would get a pair from Chanel instead of an athletic store tbh. If I'm going to exercise, I want shoes that have a reputation for athleticism. But, I guess the Chanel ones are cute and comfy for travel.

  2. Very nice clothing.Awesome blog. I enjoyed reading your articles. This is truly a great read for me. I have bookmarked it and I am looking forward to reading new articles. Keep up the good work!


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