Henry's Trap (3) with Kyuhyun

It's time for Henry's Trap again, this time it is Kyuhyun.
Let's start with something a bit confusing.
It is not very confusing but it may seems so.

Here you see, how Kyuhyun looks like he wears just a hoodie?
It's a blazer over a hoodie.
The blazer is from Alexander McQueen, geometric print blazer (1450$). The tee underneath it is OATW USA Chanel black tee (30$).

If you don't see the blazer view the image below. 
See? :)
By the way, Kyuhyun's shorts are the same print but bigger.
See comparison here.

Moving onto his second outfit.
You have to stare really hard to see the cap but it's there.
The Patricia Field black 'VOGUE' Snapback cap and Rene Gurskov Megatee (80 Euros).

Img Cr: as tagged, in the links and sm entertainment

Maria :D

Henry's Trap (1)
Henry's Trap (2) with Taemin


  1. heeheehee i like to wear a hoodie under a blazer for some of my outfits!!

  2. Does anyone know where to get the black hoodie with the long hood that Kyuhyun is wearing? I don't even know what to search for but I'm kinda in love with it lol.

  3. What about the crown hat Henry is wearing? :)

  4. Yes! I would love to know about the hat too!


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