Welcome to the New Layout

Hello lovely readers.

Welcome to the newly designed K-world Style.
The template is taken from here. 

We felt that it was time for a new, fresh and clean look. This is what we came up with.

Let me introduce some of our new features.

1) We have a slider up top to feature posts and segments.

2) Ask Box
Do you have a burning desire to ask us a question?
Now you can, we have an ask box.

3) Send us images of your kpop goodies!
Have you bought anything from what we posted?
Do you own any kpop inspired clothing or accessories?
Got any kpop CD or kdrama DVD's?
So take a picture of any CD, clothing, accessories and etcs you own and submit it here. That is if you don't mind sharing it. We will post a weekly roundup of everyone's goodies.

4) Disclaimer
We now got a disclaimer. This is just in case any issues come up.
If you want to read it, go here.

5) We got our own social tags. 
They were so hard to make. I spend quite a bit of time on them. 

Look around the site. Have fun.
And don't worry, all the posts are still there.

Say goodbye to our old template

Do you like it? Leave a comment!
I slaved over this template for multiple hours, you better like it. =.=

Maria :D


  1. i love the new style. its really good and it looks fresh.
    well done!!!

  2. Ohmygosh I'm in love with this! I tried coming on this website yesterday and I couldn't get in so I was like "OMG NOOOO DON'T GET RID OF THE SITE" And then I tried again today and get this beautiful site <3
    I'm actually really happy you changed the layout and am really proud hehe! I was actually hoping for a layout change cause the old one was a bit uncomfortable but this is perfect! Thanks for all the hard work!

  3. It's really amazing! It looks much neater and brighter than before :) I love it! Good job and thank you so much! <3 (I also really love the top banner thing that says kworldstyle, it looks so professional!)

  4. i love it!!!! ve~~~ry nice!!!!!
    well done!! *thumbs up*
    *sniff sniff* aaaww farewell old template!!!! (and Onew sangtae on the header)

    i see SHINee!!!!! hehehe!!!


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