Shinee's Dream Girl (3)

Today we have an AWESOME tip from Ilya. Did we ever say how much we love you ? ..hehe I'm a bit cheesy today. THANK YOU so much, Ilya, for your tip.

In the concept photos, Taemin wore these amazing pants from H&M, and they aren't expensive at all.
Get your own pair of Taemin pants here.

 And if you like the pattern I'm sure you'll love this dress as well .
If you want it, buy it here.

Onew also wore H&M pants at SHINee's MCoundown comeback.
Buy them here.



P.S. Sorry guys for the lack of updates but I was busy with my drivers license exam and....I passed...yey :D
It seems that lately I am the only one here and it's kinda hard to be all by myself.


  1. oh cool!! H&M!! i love affordable clothes and the fact that's it's so easy to be able to actually walk into the store and purchase this!!
    i think i just might have to go look for these at the shop just to spazz over it.....haha!!

    WOW!!!! CONGRATULATIONS on passing!!!!!! *applause*

  2. Yeah tip from me, thank you Eliza for posted it up :D ...

    I bought 3 of it at H&M and after I paid, taemin pant left 2 at the rack, while the dress I bought was the last one>< stuff! lol lucky me xD

  3. maybe you have to look in another store... some stores just sell the normal h&m stuff but the pants are from h&m divided and you normally just find it in the bigger ones ^^


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