Giveaway (closed Feb. 10) ~

In honor of our 1000th post, K-world Style has teamed up with MYRA Korean Fashion Accessories to host a giveaway. 


1) You must follow Kworldstyle on either our main site or on our Tumblr

2) To increase your chances of winning, “like” us on Facebook 

3) Comment in this post answering the question:
“What K-pop idol/ idol group’s style do YOU like the best and why?”
Make sure to link to a place (e.g. an email or a Tumblr page) in which we can contact you notifying you of your success. We are giving  3 earcaps, 1 headband, and 1 scrunchy to the one person with our favorite comment in the section.

4) The winners will be announced on Valentine’s Day (2/14/13)

And guess what? Thanks to the generosity of MYRA Fashion, all Kworldstyle subscribers get FREE Shipping on all orders within Malaysia and FREE Shipping on all orders of 80RM or more internationally. To do this, just enter the coupon code KWORLD.

Do you know what's even cooler? All the products at the MYRA shop are organic and completely eco-friendly. Happy Shopping~!


  1. For a Kpop Idol group, I really love 2NE1's style. The girls are very confident with themselves, the clothing even though a lot of it is Jeremy Scott; which I like but is a bit overused in the Kpop world. The girls look great in everything, and they flaunt their bodies effortlessly. The girls are super pretty and fierce. i especially when they were promoting "Can't nobody", "I am the Best", and "I love you". The girls inspire me to try new hairstyles and fashion styles and makeup styles and encourage people to be confident in themselves.
    My tumblr is email...

    Thanks for the Giveaway! <3 Congrats on the 1000th post~!

  2. Personally I absolutely love Mblaq's style. The styles always seem so simple but look so well put together. Like during Its War their costumes were always incredibly dramatic looking. Even during Mona Lisa their outfits were amazing yet at one point G.O. was only wearing a t-shirt with jeans which looked amazing. Email is

  3. If I had to choose a kpop idol group, I would honestly choose Infinite! Infinite has seven members, with seven styles. They always wear clothes and always look fresh. Other groups wear clothes and (not to offend anyone, I love everyone) go a little over-board sometimes. For example, Dongwoo can match patterns and accessories like a puzzle! Even though there are many pieces, they all fit together. Some people call them "fashion terrorists", but they still go around, in their own fashion, and aren't offended by others. Even though some of their styles are simple, they always top it off with their happy mood and smiles. Even in music videos, they wear clothes that look comfortable and always pull off an amazing dance! (Example: In their "Be Mine" music video, some wore a t-shirt and jeans/pants and danced in sync.)
    Tumblr: Asiancrayonn
    Congratz on your 100th post! Thank you~

  4. hmmhhh, which k-pop group style I like the best?, I like Infinite's style the best.Why?, because I think that it is very handsome. The clothes match and the clothing looks perfect on the members. The clothing they wear seem to suit them. They would always wear some matchable apparel. Infinite looks happy with the outfits that they are wearing. In all of their MV's they always have an amazing and perfect style on. The style they are wearing seems simple and all but they still pull it off at looking good at what they are wearing. And that is why I like Infinite's style the best. Thank You for reading this!

    Tumblr Url: Saranghaeyo--Oppa

  5. A k-pop group that i've been loving lately as been Girls' Generation!!! They can pull off any style! I especially love their airport/casual styles. I use their clothes and different styles when I go shopping. It helps a lot!Even though I think that their stylists may be crazy sometimes, they make up for it with AMAZING outfits and concept clothing. If I had to raid any k-pop group's closet, it would have to be the girls!!!!
    P.s. Thank you for hosting a giveaway!! Keep up the WONDERFUL work!

  6. 1) Followed main site as Fifi Yau
    and tumblr as

    2) Liked on Facebook as Fifi Yau

    3) I love 2NE1's style, because they always surprise me with their fashion style, the way they mix and match every items are extreme and awesome! They are unique and fierce in an extraordinary way. Every clothes look like high fashion on 2NE1, they will always be a trendsetter in fashion industry.

  7. I love Hyuna's style, because whether she wears cute, sexy or casual, she always looks good. Her tops, bottoms and accessories etc. match well, and I often get ideas from her. She often wears Joyrich which I like. The most 'buy links' I've clicked on K-World Style have been about Hyuna.

  8. OH~!!!!!!!!!! GIVEAWAY!!!!
    my first reaction seeing the post>>>>
    ('course the gifs i use aren't mine ^^)
    *SPARKLee eyes* (see what i did there?? eh? eh?)

    so like....i just followed you on this just now....hehe
    as this username!!
    but i have liked your fb since a long time!

    ehem! so i would say i love the style of SHINee!!!!! heeheehee and it's not because i'm biased!!
    it's just that i've always liked there fashion when i first found out about them AND it was one of the reasons i started loving them so much!!! i thought their style was so great and totally similar to my style!! (of course i don't dress as 'out there' as them, but that's cos i don't want so much attention on me hehe)

    oh but except for that one gayo daejun performance stage outfit of theirs (the one where Tae rips his pants *giggles*) i have to say that those were probably THE most hideous outfit they have ever worn!!! totally terrible!! i was in complete shock when they came out wearing those outfits!!!! i should be happy those pants ripped!! they don't deserve to exist!! hahaha!

    but their outfits!! they pull off all their looks perfectly!! with the colourful and bright to the dark and mature!!!
    last years Sherlock suits were beautiful!! and Stranger outfits were awesome!! (i even bought that same Long Clothing 'drippy heart tears' top that Minho wore!! haha)
    most of the time even there personal outfits are lovely!!!

    anyway...i can probably go on and on about this.... and about other groups outfits i love too!! but yeah....ultimately i love SHINee's outfits the most and i should stop writing now

  9. I really love 2ne1, Bigbang, exo, beast and recently in the Mv The Boy from 소녀시대 I was falling in love with their outfits like... Woaaa !!... I was only looking at the dance and the clothes couldn't even listen to the music ^^.
    Also Infinite H with 호야 & 동우 in special girl had awesome style !!!! I wanna meet their stylist so that he/she can make me wear such as pretty clothes as the one that they got !!!!
    Blog :
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    Thanks for the giveaway and always love all your post !! Find them so helpfull, keep the good work~~! 화이팅

  10. You know what? What is style? What is style without groups like SHINee and f(x)??? Their style pops out to me the most and I LOVE IT. I know groups like 2NE1 and Big Bang are loved for their fashion and stuff but even though it's extravagant and cool, I prefer SHINee and f(x)'s styles. Cause 2NE1 and Big Bang wear these impossible clothes that you can never wear out cause they're wearing like HUGE unicorns on their dresses or something but if you see SHINee and f(x), their style is cool, unique, yet POSSIBLE.
    Their styles inspire me. Recently I've been incorporating more clothes into my wardrobe that are inspired by SHINee and f(x). Simple. Chic. Stylish.
    They're wardrobes are always the first that come into sight, whether they're colorful, SHINee (See what I did there? LOL), or just chock full of designs. Animal prints, fur, leather, spikes, flowers, geometric prints, whatever. You name it, they can pull it off yet still make it seem casual. Of course, some of the things they wear wouldn't be something you would wear on a daily basis, you can easily make some tweaks and make it a perfect outfit for school or where ever you want to go. Honestly, I think the most extravagant outfit I think I've seen a SHINee or f(x) member wear (that wasn't for an extravagant photoshoot) was probably Taemin's outfit from Stranger. He has the black and white striped shirt with the huge spikes on his shoulder and the baggy pants, you know? Everything else I've been perfectly fine with and have never thought of any of their outfits as bad or hideous or something. I think every outfit has it's own feel and if they pull it off, it's amazing.
    And omg we can not forget to mention their bottoms. SULLI WEARS THE. CUTEST SKIRTS. I would wear every single one of them. And to be honest, I would wear every single one of f(x)'s stage outfits too (minus the select few...). AND they wear such amazing pants. Most of the best ones are probably from Cheap Monday. Best pants ever <3 Speaking of pants, you should do a post on SHINee's coolest pants or something. I would love to see that.
    Finally. Accessories. I must say, they are the kings and queens of accessorizing and SM is probably like an accessory palace. I mean, all those bracelets, rings, necklaces, you name it. They probably have billions of the best accessories.
    They also tend to wear my 2 favorite brands a lot. They wear them a lot under SM but I feel like f(x) and SHINee wear them more. CHEAP MONDAY and LAZY OAF <3 AHHHHH!!! (Is it weird that I fangirl more over a clothing brand than I do over my biases? LOL)

    If you were too lazy to read that, here's a summary:

    kthnxbai :D

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  11. I love most K-Fashion and a lot of group's fashion, but I think there's one group who's fashion I love the most, BTOB.
    Because, what made me start listening to BTOB was their style! I freaking LOVE it! (not saying that I only liked them for their style tho, no no! It was just their style that made me even more interested in them~)
    I watched K-Pop Tasty Road and they're in 1 of the ep's, and just.. their clothes. I FREAKING FELL IN LOVE WITH THEIR CLOTHES. They seem to use a lot of Boy London which is like my favorite brand ever, and I adore their whole outfits.
    ESPECIALLY the ones they wore on K-Pop Tasty Road, the combination of the clothes.. it was all just really perfect. (
    I love to wear black and white, and I would wear all of their outfits, even if they are guys xD It fits them so well^^
    And their caps they wear, are gorgeouss. Like the one Ilhoon wears in Wow (the one in the dance ver. >w<), I've been wanting a hat like that forever, and it suits him so well!

    Ah I guess that's all I want to say, haha, this is so messyyy xD ^^ ^^

  12. I love EXO's style. At stage they wear so unique, yet cool and something you can mix with basic clothing and wear casually. Also their casual style is just so simple, but cool and a bit romantic. They wear casually things that I can find at my local shopping center, and not pay a lot! And believe me it's pretty hard to find nice clothes nowadays in Finland, especially when everything is somehow the same styled; lace, wine red, see-through etc. but in EXO's style there actually is something in every store :)

  13. Whoever knows me may say that I am YG biased. And that may very well be true. It is not that I do not like artists from other companies, it is just that Big Bang and 2NE1, whom I appreciate and look up to, have that special something.

    In terms of fashion I love 2NE1 and Big Bang's bold and colorful style. I admire their courage to wear those types of clothes and their fashion sense. It may very well be because they are different than the other stars. They are not the usual cute and adorable k-pop stars that want to attract you with their charm, but rather with their talents. And as I see it, their fashion sense is extremely helpful in their case. They know what and how to combine. The brands they usually wear ,Jeremy Scott, Givenchy,Louboutin, Chrome hearts, Balmain and all the others, are something I wish I could wear, but I cannot afford them yet. I do not lose my hope though!

    I may not be a fashion expert, but I do my best and learn about it, especially 2NE1's, every day.

  14. I love 2ne1's fashion. It's so different from things in America, I love Dara's Angel Wing sweatshirt (I actually just ordered it online). I like the angel wings shoes too. I also love love love Dal Shabet's fashion, especially from the music video "Supa Dupa Diva" because it's so cute ^^ By the way, does anyone know where to get the yellow dress they wore in that video???

  15. I love SHINee's style I have never seen anythingt they couldn't pull off (they even look good in women's clothes) their personal style is kind of edgy with a "loving bad boy" feel to it I love their music and their style! :)

  16. I like 2NE1 the best.. Why ? Because.. 2NE1 " jeil jal naga " !
    Seriously I'm totally in love with 2ne1's fashion because it's juste freaky amazing. Bom is so classy and sexy with her short dresses. Minzy is perfect with her hip-hop style. Dara is so cutie. And CL... CL is the badest female. ♥
    I also love it because 2NE1 works with Jeremy Scott, my favourite designer, his colorful style, his unicorn,all that makes me dream to wear it someday. When I saw 2NE1, I just feel like it's amazing that what ever they dresse, they just look so confident. Even if Bom had 20cm heels or more, she looks comfortable.
    And I think.. I can really explain totally why I love 2NE1's fashion. It's just like a big crush. ♥

    1 ) Follow your tumblr as :
    2 ) On Facebook as : Lucie Ayala
    Contact me on tumblr or gmail.

  17. I love f(x)'s style the best out of all kpop groups. The reason is that they rock all varieties of clothing styles! I love how Amber is able to pull off a tomboy look while still having the girly sass. Krystal rocks at being girly and spunky at the same time. Victoria shows off the womanly side to f(x) through her funky dresses and feminine silhouettes. Luna keeps it casual and girl next door. Lastly, Sulli shows off a fresh, young, girly look with an edge with her poofy skirts and spunky chunky shoes! :) F(x)'s bold use of colors and edgy accessories definitely put them at the top of my fashion list!

    Facebook: Wendy So


  18. I like the style of SNSD, because they are the best when it comes of dress or accessories, they are like feminine with there outfit.
    SM entertainment giving the best dress at the girls so that I really love there outfit. And now there new song/new music video 'I Got A Boy' there dress was really pretty and I really love there color full dress, they have a lot of dress in the MV thats why there MV was really cool and there dance was really cool they improve a lot so that they dress suit to them.

    All girls have self own beauty when its come in there outfit/styles, when they just wear a simple t-shirt with short they are really pretty because they are beautiful so all of there dress that they wear is suitable with them.

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  19. I like bigbang's style because they always have the trendies clothes in all there MV's. In their release of "Fantastic Baby" they amazed me by there hairstyles and fashion trend. :)


  20. The K-Pop idol/idol groups' styles that I like the best have to be IU, SNSD, Apink, F(x), Wonder Girls and 4Minute for the girl groups/idol and BAP, Infinite and EXO for the guy groups.

    I really like IU's style because the clothes , accessories etc that she wears are cute and innocent, which suits her 'little sister' image but the maturer image that she has been developing lately in her music videos, variety show appearances, MC cuts and photo shoots also suits her as she is obviously getting older. Most of IU's airport, variety show, MC cut, music video/live performances and photoshoot fashion are pretty casual, which I like because I am able to incorporate her style into my wardrobe.

    SNSD's style has changed over the years but liked and still do like it. SNSD's airport fashion is probably my favorite out of all the groups, it is simple and stylish and also easy to incorporate into my wardrobe. Out of all the members, the member whose style I like the best is Jessica. She seems to be very up to date with the latest fashion trends because her airport fashion is casual but stylish at the same time. My favorite styles of SNSD would be in in Gee, IGAB, Genie, The Boys, AMLIFY, Flower Power and in their Girl de Provence and Baby G promotions.

    Apink's image is aegyo-y and innocent which most people don't really like... But I do. Their style is very cute and girly and my favorite of their styles are in My My, where they wear sweaters, denim shorts and tutus and in Bubibu, Wishlist and I Don't Know where they wear pretty, girly dresses.

    I like F(x)'s and 4Minute's style which is somewhat unusual but their styles are not as out there as 2NE1's and Bignang's. Having a style like F(x) and 4Minute means that you are able to alter it a little so that it is an outfit you are able to wear everyday and it will still have that distinct style of F(x) and 4Minute.

    Wonder Girls have a kinda feminine and mature style which I like because I think it fits with their age. Out of all the members, the members whose styles i like the best are Yubin and Sohee. Both of them seem to be up to date with fashion like Jessica, maybe because they're the members who have modeled for fashion magazines the most. My favorite Wonder Girls style would have to be in Like This. In the teaser photos, music video and live performances, their outfits were bright, fun and stylish, which is good.

    When I hear BAP, the first things I think of are their dyed blonde hair, their great amount of confidence and amazing stage outfits. In my opinion, BAP is similar to Bigbang in the way they dress and the way they perform. My favorite style of BAP would have to be when they debuted with warrior, their studded jackets and blonde hair made them stand out and made it hard to believe they were a rookie group. Out of all the members, I like Zelo style the best especially in Rain Sound.

    Infinite and EXO both have unique stage outfits but their airport fashion styles are quite different. All of the Infinite members have a different style but EXO seem to all have similar styles, however both groups' styles are still likable. EXO seem to wear a lot of sweaters, cardigans, blazers, plain tees and button up shirts which I like because it is simple and casual yet still looks good on them. In Infinite, I like Sungjong's style the best. He knows what's trendy, he knows what looks good and he knows how to accessorize. I think he should have been the one that one Fashion King not L... Sungjong is probably the most stylish guy in the K-Pop industry.. In my opinion.

    Sorry for the really really really really really reallyyyy long answer (T ^ T)

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    Thanks for holding a giveaway~
    Congrats on the 1000th post!
    Keep up the awesome work~~
    Good luck to everyone!


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