A Team

As mentioned in my previous post Miss A and Sistar was competing against each other in the latest episode of popular variety show Dream Team! Both teams/groups wore clothes fit for running around and playing games so let's take a closer look at what they wore ~

Jia is sporting a full set from Adidas Originals by Jeremy Scott. Usually it's a no-go to wear the same print from head to toe - especially animal prints! But because of the gold-pattern on the sides, this somehow still works without looking completely stupid :) Still by far not her best look though...Sorry Jia. :/ 
I don't have a buy link - feel welcome to comment if you got one!

Min is also sporting Adidas Originals by Jeremy Scott! Probably not very surprising, especially not with these pants which boldly states their name on the side xD SHINee Jonghyun has worn these before if you find them familiar ~

Her track jacket is from Adidas Orignals also and is simply called Heart Print Tracksuit Jacket. I'm pretty sure there are some matching pants to this ~ but as said earlier; don't wear the same pattern from head to toe :P 
I find this is really cute, all honestly! And just look at Min - she's like a kid on this photo :D

Ninillie ~

Credits: AQ Ent., KBS's homepage, Adidas

1 comment :

  1. I love their PE uniforms. JK ^_^ They are so lovely.


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