Electric shock f(1)
This is part one for f(x)'s Electric Shock finds!
Everything in this post is the same brand, Gerlan Jeans. Keep your eyes peeled for more (because there's a lot already). Keep in mind that Gerlan hasn't labeled their prints for this season as clearly, so I'm simply describing the colors of the prints to distinguish them.
Let's go! Some of the images are a little lq, sorry about that. Screencaps are limiting right now.

To begin, Krystal wore the S/S 2012 Captcha Baseball T-shirt.
Buy here.

Amber wore shorts in a black and white print from the S/S 2012 collection.
No buylink. Comment if you have one.
Luna wore a jacket in the same pattern from the S/S 2012 collection.
No buylink for this either. Comment if you have one.

Then, Victoria wore a skirt in the green print from the S/S 2012 collection.

Krystal wore the green print pants from the S/S 2012 collection.
I also might be missing something. Let me know if I am. (I think Vic might be wearing a pink criss cross top from Gerlan underneath something else during part of the video I'll update if necessary).
Better with obvious out of the way, yes?
Credits: Gerlan Jeans, Sment
Everything in this post is the same brand, Gerlan Jeans. Keep your eyes peeled for more (because there's a lot already). Keep in mind that Gerlan hasn't labeled their prints for this season as clearly, so I'm simply describing the colors of the prints to distinguish them.
Let's go! Some of the images are a little lq, sorry about that. Screencaps are limiting right now.

To begin, Krystal wore the S/S 2012 Captcha Baseball T-shirt.
Buy here.

Amber wore shorts in a black and white print from the S/S 2012 collection.
No buylink. Comment if you have one.
Luna wore a jacket in the same pattern from the S/S 2012 collection.
No buylink for this either. Comment if you have one.

Then, Victoria wore a skirt in the green print from the S/S 2012 collection.

Krystal wore the green print pants from the S/S 2012 collection.
I also might be missing something. Let me know if I am. (I think Vic might be wearing a pink criss cross top from Gerlan underneath something else during part of the video I'll update if necessary).
Better with obvious out of the way, yes?
Credits: Gerlan Jeans, Sment