an Exo M tip!

Tip by: Nadya

Nadya sure does tip us a lot, huh? ^__^ thanks for the tips to everybody, but we have SO many tips at this moment and it will take AGES to dig through them. So have a bit of patience ~
This is an Exo find! More precisely and Exo M find. There have been posted a lot on Exo's History MV on this blog, and this is another one of them. In the MV for History (Chinese version) Chen wore this top:

and this top is from Long Clothing and is, very fitting to the print, called Omega Vest. It's simple yet cool ~ if you want it, you can get it here for 35£ which is roughly 55$.
OMG so much confusion about whether this is Lay or Chen! XD I'll start by saying, that I do not know Exo very well. But now I have concluded that this is Chen! I apologize for the confusion!

credits: SM Ent., Long Clothing


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