
this is a request, it's been a while for me.
Request from ^___^ from 35 weeks ago. Sorry. I found it now :D

This is a Shinee post. This also a request post.
 ^___^ request the Taemin's bag contained in the two gray-ish coloured images above. He carried this at the airport to depart for the Korean Indonesian Friendship Festival. After passing by some bag brands for another request, I found it! It is from Porter by Yoshida. It's a Japanese bag company that has a variety of things. Their website is also in Japanese same as the place to buy it. Their name for this bag is very very appealing, a Ruck Sack. To be more specific a Porter Blue Stripes Ruck Sack. Priced at 19,950 Yen, get this badboy here.

Hope everyone is having a good new school year. That is if you are going to school.

Maria :D


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