Nada says hi

Nada is very busy lately, so I'm posting some stuff for her (I'm doing this shot first, because she included pictures and that makes it very convenient for me :3)

I'm actually missing a picture for another find, do you guys want me to post it even though I have no image from the collection?

Here's the rest! Suju in celebration of Mr. Simple!!!

WARNING: I don't know how reliable these buylinks are... I've never heard of this site, don't know a thing about it, and I don't read Korean. PLEASE COMMENT IF YOU KNOW ANYTHING. I took a look, the shirts designs are really really exact (I was looking at the Horace one) but the tags in the pictures don't say the brand, like the horace shirt tag said "another shirt" as opposed to "Horace" like it does on the other shirts... Purchase at your own risk.

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First, Super Junior M's Zhoumi wore a W.Dressroom shirt on the show "Golden Stage."

Purchasable here. SEE WARNING ABOVE.

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On Sukira, Eunhyuk wore a shirt from Rock Candy (I think).


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Also on Sukira, Eunhyuk wore another shirt from Rock Candy (I think).


Yet again, not sure I trust the site, so I'm not positive on the last two brands (I know the first one is W. Dressroom, I've seen it on the site before. Never heard of Rock Candy, can't say I'm giving you guarantees on any of this... Please tell us if you have any more info.

By the way, with this post, edits to previous Junhyung post.


Credits: Nada, 1percentJapan, Rock Candy (?), W. Dressroom

1 comment :

  1. The thirt shirt was also worn by C.A.P from TEEN TOP on the Don't spray perfume mv :D


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