Infinite and the Radio

Semi-Requested by: loveandmusicshoppes (tumblr).

So infinite recently went on the radio (Shim Shim Tapa) with Eunteuk, and I found some of the shirt they were wearing, but I couldn't find the shirt that L&Mshoppes wanted, but have no fear, I found similar(ish) shirts :D.

And I also and sorry, but I don't actually know their names :(. Starting from left to right:

  1. The first guy is wearing Pancoat's 11Popeyes PK Shirts in Navy. buy here
  2. The second guy is wearing a shirt from Comme des Garcon Play that multiple people have worn in the past. buy grey background version here.
  3. The last guy, --the rapper, right?-- is the one requested. The shirt says Jaws. Try as I might, I really couldn't find this shirt, but I found similar ones (both from Pancoat) The one of the left is similar because it is a blue shark, and the one on the right has bubbles and is blue. I will edit this post if I find the shirt though :). buy the alternatives here and here 
Please comment here, or message us on Tumblr if you know what shirt this is :)! 
credit: tumblr, pancoat, ioffer, L&Mshoppes


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