Style Watch: f(x) - Nu ABO

Artist: f(x)
Promotion Period: Nu ABO
Members: Victoria (Leader), Amber (Rapper), Luna (Main Vocal), Sulli (Sub-Vocal), Krystal (Lead Vocal)
Main Brands: Fleamadonna, Cheap Monday, lots of DIY
General style: Acid Street
Check under the cut for more! Seriously? Be prepared for a freaking ten page essay this post took so long.
Before you attack this baby, I bolded the most important parts, so don't bother yourself reading if all if you don't want to.

Music Bank: Performance here
SM likes for their artists to wear outfits from their music video for their first (couple) comeback stages.
Victoria- Victoria wore an oversized black tee with a tiger's face (and sparkly short sleeves), black leggings and white sneakers. Not a particularly flashy or special outfit, but it looks fairly street and I think it is pretty much what the stylists were going for. Unfortunately, it makes Victoria look kind of bigger than she actually is, so that's definitely a con. Don't you dare say Vicky is fat, cuz' she's not, and if you think so, you just be h8tn' :P
Amber- Tomboy Amber wore a white and black vest, a wolf tee with grommets on the collar, tight black pants, gray leg warmers/socks, a silver hat, and black sneakers. I don't dislike this outfit, it serves it's purpose, but I am constantly distracted by that stupid hat, but if the hat weren't there, I'd be distracted by her bowl cut. I'm sorry, I hate bowl cuts. They look good on nobody (except maybe shindong). If Taemin and Amber can't pull it off, NO ONE can. That's now a law.
Luna- I think Luna's outfit was the one most different from the one in the music video. She wore that stressed out tee that Amber wore before, some interesting gray and black leggings, wedge sneakers, and an assortment of accessories. I like this outfit, although I don't think it's the best choice for Luna's body type. She is on the muscular side, so the weird shiny fabric on the leggings make her legs look oddly bulgy... But I do like the sleeves of the tee :D
Sulli- Sulli time! Personally, I think the maknaes got the best styling for this promotion! Now, a lot of people don't like Sulli's blond and yellow wig here, but I think it's super cute! Anyway, she wore a cute mesh/see through hoodie skirt thing (it's kind of hard to describe), with a cute patterned shirt underneath and black leggings with detailing on the sides, that amazing pearl necklace, and black shoes (I think maybe white socks too). I think this outfit is REALLY cute, and it's easy to tone down for everyday wear!
Krystal- YEAH! BIAS TIME! I'm sorry, I think Krystal's Nu ABO styling was actually what made me love her so much. I used to be kind of Krytoria biased, but :D Black and white vest, card themed shirt, cute detailed pants (which Key rocked later for Shinee's Japanese Replay promos), and black sneakers! I don't necessarily think that this outfit is the best of the bunch, but I think it fits her body type the best, and I'm glad that they gave her the non-girly, I wear pants look... Ya know?
Overall? I like the styling, it works very well together and I'm glad they went more street as opposed to obnoxiously feminine, and I like that each member has her own outfit, rather than some identical theme for all of them (ahem, A Pink).

Music Core: Performance here
Yet again, (most) outfits worn in their promo pics.
Victoria- Vicky is wearing a black and white big tee (again) and some colorful (I think floral) leggings with (I think) silver sneakers and some accessories. I don't know why the stylist insisted on putting Victoria in big tees... I mean, I get she has to do the 180 degree kick, but please? At least some more flattering shirts?
Amber- Ambaaaaaah wore a denim vest, a black shirt, unidentifiable tiedye black legging thingamajigs, and black sneakers (with white socks). Gosh, I really just can't get over her hair *sigh* I like the outfit, minus the unidentifiable pants things, they just look funny, I think she might be wearing spandex shorts over leggings and that should NEVER happen.
Luna- In this performance, Luna wore a fleamadonna polka dot skirt (which we never posted on for some reason), this vest that we posted here, a red tee, black leggings, and high heeled sneakers (that really resemble Ash sneakers). I like this outfit to a certain extent, but I think the red shirt looks kind of random... Is that just me? Love the shoes though...
Sulli- Sulli wore a loose white top with red and blue hemming over a pink and white patterned shirt with a gray skirt, black leggings, white and black striped socks, and black shoes. Honestly, I think the white top is the cutest thing, and I actually like the shirt underneath. I also think this outfit is rather wearable, I mean, I can imagine someone waltzing down the street in this... Kinda... I like the leggings with the socks, although that usually should be a fashion crime... It was done fairly tastefully here.
Krystal- Krystal wore a yellow (shoulder detailed) vest with a white tanktop, camo pants, and yellow sneakers, with accessories of course. I like this outfit, I mean, no matter what, Krystal makes pants look good. I also enjoy the pop of color from the vest as opposed to some monochrome attire. I like :P
Overall, i like this set of outfits better than the last, I appreciate the use of color. Although I complain about Victoria's shirt, it is in fact superior to the one she wore last time, so kudos for that.

Inkigayo: Performance here
Yet again, outfits from the music video, but slightly less so :)
Victoria- Victoria wore a striped multicolor headband, a white tee from KTZ, the yellow vest from above, black leggings with white detailing, and wedge converse. Thank god this shirt is tighter, she looks good! The leggings still weird me out, I don't know why, maybe it's the loose strings flying everywhere as she dances. Love the headband!
Amber- Amber wore a checkered jacket, a USA t-shirt over the shirt we posted here, black pants/leggings (they're too tight to tell), and black sneakers.
Luna- Luna wore a slightly metallic purple polka dot shirt over a patterned white and purple dress, black leggings, white sneakers, and a giant mirror necklace. Man... I don't know why but I hate that shirt with a passion, it's is an awful shade and I'm repulsed by most things that are that weird fake metallic texture... I like the dress under it though... Or is that a skirt?
Sulli- Sulli wore a black and yellow shirt, similar to the one she wore in the previous performance, a pink skirt, black leggings, white sneakers, and as usual, tons of accessories. Dude, her hair looks good. I don't know why, but I'm partial to this outfit, I like how it's kind of street, but still feminine. I also think the "Sulli oversized t-shirt with skirt" thing that their stylists do is super cute. They only do it on Sulli too..
Krystal- My bias :) wore a blue vest, a multicolor tie-dye-esque shirt (which was tied on the side), white denim shorts, black and white striped leggings, accessories, and black sneakers. I like this outfit, it's certainly not my favorite because if anyone but Krystal wore those leggings, they would look extremely weird and fat (even if they're not, vertical striped pants/leggings just look bad, for example, Chichi). I still like Sulli's outfit better this time around...
Overall, I really do like the concept of their fashion for this promotion cycle. I appreciate that they're wearing sneakers as opposed to sky high heels and I think they did a good job of being different (or strange, however you'd like to call it).
The best thing about their style though? Their HAIR.
The best done (in my opinion) were Krystal and Luna's (Victoria's red looks a bit tacky, Sulli stayed solid brown, and Amber should NEVER get a bowl cut, ever again).

If you want to get this kind of stuff done, it's called Ombre hair, and it's fairly popular amongst stars (although it's kinda dying out now). [Krystal's doesn't really classify as Ombre, but it looks good anyway]. I think it's cool, you should check it out!
By the way, I'm not proofreading this thing, so excuse the errors and comma splices please :)
P.S. Ugh, doing Nu ABO was a bad idea, this thing is a mess. Please comment with what you think and/or who you want me to do next!
Credits: crazy choikang (for images), allkpop (for images), s-hineyourlight (for images), asianpopcorn (for images)