Key is a cool cat like PAM

Woot! Tip, catchin' up on tips... I'm so behind, I'm really sorry to whoever sent one in!!!

By the way, maybe new writers soon. I will explain more later in the post, since I figure you guys don't really care much for the writers' personal lives. Here's the find!

Somewhat requested by Sara, seriously guys, there's a request tab, use it.

Tip from E.V.

(click to enlarge)

On their way to Taiwan for their concert, some pictures of Shinee's Key and Incheon Airport showed him wearing Perks and Mini's Deep perceptions Cap, along with some shorts in the brand's print "Painted."
No buylink for the shorts, but if you want leggings in the same pattern, here.

Shorts here! They look so cool, I didn't expect that for some reason... Thanks to Sara for the link~

Hat here.

Now, here for a little explanation on why I'm not posting, and probably am not going to post very frequently, (by frequently, I mean twice a day, like a did a couple months ago, that was intense). First of all, it's a bit unreasonable, there aren't any comebacks that I'm particularly willing to go hardcore on like I did with Pinocchio, except maybe Suju's comeback, but even then, I have to wait for the music video.

Maria is busy with school, and academics always come first, and Jessica is in Japan right now, and Nada is busy, so I cannot speak on the behalf of them (Lauren is still here). As for me, I seem to be in a bit of a funk. I know its a lousy excuse, but I've been unnecessarily rude to people, and just downright lazy, and I'm not too sure why. I'm really just in a very bad mood, plus I have a project that I should be working on, so I need to focus on that.

Therefore, I invited two of our readers to become new writers, we'll see how things turn out, but we may need a little help around now.
Plus, if you guys ever want any information on our writers, or on our statuses, you can check the about me tab up there *points to below banner*.

I will return with more tips! Bye~


Credits: shiningshineeworld, Creaturesofcomfort, someday-store, Perks and Mini, E.V.


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