Get the Look T.O.P "Big Bang is Back"
Hey guys! So I made a "Get the Look" for my lover T.O.P from Big Bang's recent comeback in February! Underneath the picture (credit: made on Polyvore) are the buy links.
I tried to find less pricey items this time. I also made one mistake, I didn't include a haircolor. Sorry :(. But, I hope you will forgive me because with the hat, shirt and shoes, I gave two options. The reason I gave two for the hat is because I couldn't find a hat that had both the color and the shape. With the shirt, it was hard finding a shirt to match what T.O.P is wearing so my suggestion is wearing a button-down leopard-print shirt with a grey cardigan over it. For the shoes, I though sneakers would make the outfit too casual. Also, a note about the pants, you can wear jeans, but there are already many posts about black jeans, so I chose black twill pants instead.