Red Devils

Hey Guys, so back when it was the world cup, SHINee performed at a charity event dressed in all red.
Taemin was wearing one of pancoat's popping devil tees:

Buy Link/ Information site here. It sells for about $35 USD, but, I don't think it ships internationally. I say I don't think because I can't read hangul very well so I'm just guessing because it's an all Korean site, it would only ship in Korea (If I'm wrong, please comment).

 So with Jonghyun's shirt, I know the brand Benny Frying Pan, as it's quite obvious, but I cannot seem to find a website of theirs or any buy links. I think this is because of the issues between Jonny Cupcakes and Benny Frying Pan. If you find one, please let me know.

credit: popseoul, pancoat


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