Many (Manly) Finds

Hey Nikki here ^^.
This will be my last post until my hiatus from this blog, until mid August.
Hope everyone has a wonderful summer (or winter in other places ^^)!!

A heads up: For all of the finds in this post, I used the buy link, a korean site. For some reason, the link to the actual items for sale never showed up in my browser. So unfortunately I could not copy/past the actual buy link. But they are all on the site - you will have to search for it yourself. Sorry for this inconvenience.

First up is a F.Cuz find. For those who do not know who F.Cuz are, they are rookies that debuted early this year with "Jiggy." Their second promotion was "No One" with a darker image (much like the other kpop groups). This find is of Yejun, the lead singer of F.Cuz as well as the youngest member.

Yejun is wearing General Idea by Bumsuk's Scarf tee. It is sold for W67,200. If you all remember, Heechul wore this same shirt with redish sleeves in the Super Junior Bonamana photoshoot.

Next we will go to an older picture - I believe this was during SHINee's Juliette days, so about a year ago. This is an Eunhyuk find.

Eunhyuk is wearing Beyond Closet Campaign's Men to Men patch dog tee. It is sold for W68,000.

Now we will move on to Super Junior's W Magazine photoshoot. Visit here to see all of the pictures. This is a Heechul and Shindong find.

Shindong is wearing General Idea by Bumsuk's Thread tee from the S/S 2010 collection. It is sold for W67,200.

Heechul is wearing General Idea by Bumsuk's High Strap Sandals in white. They are sold for W123,200.

Please support Maria and Ria for their hard work!!!

Credits: ilmostreet for the buy links; allkpop, and for the pictures.



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