Club of Da Shiny Billionaires!
Please note to credit us always. We would like to receive any type of feedback you provide us. :D Even if it's harsh.
Aren't they cute? ><
As you probably know I'm back. Been kinda busy with school and family. My depression is much better :D.
Anyway, above Onew and Minho are both wearing Billionaire Boys Club Black Varsity Jacket/ BBC Black Varsity Jacket. Minho wore the jacket while SHINee visited an orphanage in Sapporo on 100207. Onew wore the jacket at the Winter Love Concert on 100109.
Originally it was priced at $500. O_O It came out a while ago so the price dropped and it was taken off the official store website. There are two buy link but one was told to be a scam site. The other one, I've never heard of. If anyone else knows any other site, please share.
Link number 1: ReallyDope for $105 with free shipping
Link number 2: Supposedly scam site: Raining Hollywood for $99.99
Credits: K-world Style, BBC, Really Dope, Raining Hollywood, Soompi
Maria :D