Possible Pants

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So this week Maria's extrememly busy and I'm sick (like I said in the previous post) T_T so we can't update as much...
I'll just share some quick finds/theories..

Herny's Pants. I'm 99.999% sure they are the ones I found.
It's General Idea's Faded Jeans in 2 colors. Unfortunately I can only find a korean buy link. Here.

And now some possible pants from Super Junior boys::

Ryeowook's pink pants from Blue Tomorrow's MV. (Without chain)
General Idea's Pink Crayon Pants.

Donhae also from Blue Tomorrow's MV.
General Idea's Pants in Green.

Lastly, Kyuhyun from Gee performance.
General Idea's KH/Louvain pants.

I'm planning to look more closely at the Gee performance for more possible pants.

Credits: K-World Style, gibmall.com, General Idea

Picture Sources:
Credit:  FROM:hi.baidu.com/exstinctio/ , Photos transfer from 百度週覓吧 (Zhou Mi Baidu Bar); Shared by fampar@ sj-world.net, Reupload: uksujusid (www.sup3rjunior.wordpress.com)



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