Shining Stars - Tips from Danbi ^^

Let's hope for an AMAZING year, or, at least a better year than 2009!! XD
(psst.. Aries, it seems like this year is going to be a real good/life changing year for us ^^)

Anyhow, we recieved some tips from Danbi! (Kamsahamnida!)
They both have to do with our shining boys, SHINee XD

First: Unfortunately I could not find a hq or even a mq photo of Key (or Onew, or Jonghyun) wearing this shirt. (the original picture has been deleted) If anyone knows of a better quality picture, please tell us!
But on the SFI forums there was this buzz/frenzy of happiness since the shirt the SFI sent to the SHINee boys (specifically Jonghyun) was actually worn by them. Well, worn by Key that is (lol).

He wore it to the Music Bank rehearsal on Jan. 23 2009.

You can kind of make out the cow.

(The shirt that was sent to Jonghyun...)
Although in the picture Key looks like he's wearing a gray shirt, it's probably because of the lighting...

Milk, I Am your Father tee from SnorgTees
Buy it Here for $18.95

And now time for shoes! This time I do have amazing quality pictures, but no actual buy link T_T

This goes back to SHINee's Juliette days ^^

They are wearing the Puma Sky II High Shoes in Charcoal/Gray.

Unfortunately I could not find a buy link for this exact shoe, but I did find buy links to different color puma sky II highs.

Puma Sky II Hign in Black/White/Silver
here for $129.95

Puma Sky II High in Black
here for $79.99

Thank you very much Danbi!

And everyone, Happy New Year!!!


Credits: K-World Style, Danbi, Puma, SnorgTees


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