Popular Brand of Kpop Stars: Beyond Style XXX
a request
Note: Soshi Styling has already posted on it. Luckily I had a million pictures of BSX stored since I always wanted to post on it. Sadly, I never followed through with it. Actually many other blogs/sites have also posted on BSX. Please note I am not copying.
Changsun's wearing a fall 2009 tee: The "wonderful change" serious of tee are from BSX ( Beyon Style XXX) The same makers as the "Beyond 9" Sweatshirts wore famous by SNSD.
Here's some other stars
These are all from BSX.
BSX has too many artists wearing them so
if you want to see all the artists
Go to www.bsx.co.kr then go to Media
Credits: BSX, K-world Style
Maria :D