NOTICE:: Maria will take some time off to focus on school. I also have quite of work to do. Please respect our easing off on posting for the next week or so. We will definately be up and running K-World Style 100% in no time, so no worries! I will try and post at least one find every day, but I cannot keep that promise.
Thanks for visiting K-World Style ^^
A (lame) attempt to combine Adidas and Taemin! XD
A korean blog found this jacket of Taemin, so I decided to present it to you guys.. in english! ^^
Thanks for visiting K-World Style ^^
A (lame) attempt to combine Adidas and Taemin! XD
A korean blog found this jacket of Taemin, so I decided to present it to you guys.. in english! ^^
From the Dec. 12 2009 Jojo performance on Music Core.
Taemin is seen here wearing the Men's adiGrün Rain Jacket (Adidas).
Get it here for $52.
Credits: K-World Style, korean blog, Adidas
Picture Sources: weareshining