2ne1 @ MAMA part 2
Sorry everyone I did my last post in a rush so I didn't include everything. From kinda a tip from toxic disco boy
And yes what I said about Balmain was true. All the other kpop fashion bloggers are really into Balmain so I never bothered to follow suit. I think they'll identify it way before me and blog on it. Luckily, this time following up on the sorta tip I found something! :D or a fake
Dara's dress! :D my last find to complete my 2ne1 collection!
As you can probably guess it's from Balmain!
Balmain 2009 Fall collection. The ruffles look a bit off. Maybe a fake? :P Who knows but YG?
And the jeans I'm not going to bother like I said some other kpop fashion blog will be all over that.
Also, I tried to find the jeans but no luck espeically the red colored ones. No exact match but there was a pair of silver ones....
But oh well...
CL's shoes after a close inspection are from Jeremy Scott x Adidas 3 tongue again...T_T
Credits: Toxic disco boy, K-world Style, Ssense, Jeremy Scott, Adidas
Maria :D
RIP Daul Kim.